Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Thanks Nicole

During the bleak winter months it's often difficult to think about shorts (especially in NYC). But, a recently picture of Nicole Richie reminded me of an ultimatum I made. By the summer I want my inner thighs to be small enough to wear shorts w/o them getting caught in my thighs. I am a healthy size 6/8 depending on the brand. Even when I wore a 2 and ran cross-country, my thighs stuck together causing my shorts to bunch up in an unsightly manner. I refuse to accept that I'm genetically doomed to have thunder thighs and have started researching ways to lose fat in that specific area. Of course I had to include the classic Kate picture that inspired the trend. As demonstrated by the recent picture of Nicole, I'm sure this trend is going to stay strong.
I might be able to pull these off.

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