Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Ode to the Olsens

Hate them or love them, the Olsen twins are the most influential celebrities in fashion right now, other than Ms. Moss. The twins have been heckled for wearing soo much fur, but they were vindicated as the runways were awash in fur (faux and real) this season. Here are some of my favorite looks.

MK wore this in Soho during Fashion Week. As a New Yorker, I know it was cold as hell but she looked cute despite the bland tabloid bloggers comments.

The twins are great b/c they can incorporate high fashion trends into their signature looks. Ashley pulled of this Prada inspired turban w/o looking like a walking trend by keeping everything else classic, her signature look.
What a sophisticated spring outfit crisp, clean, and toughened up by black riding boots.
MK with another hit, and the jazz shoes I want so badly. I love the super short tee and tights combo. I wear it all the time, although I know I shouldn't.

After seeing a picture on the left, I was inspired to purchase a vest. I want one similar to the vest on the top to wear in the summer as a shirt like Ashley.

Although I admire MK style more than Ashley's b/c of her fashion risks and quirky style, I'm more of an Ashley.

I tend to mix tradition pieces with trends. I wore a dress/leather jacket outfit before I saw this picture of Ashley and love to wear big tees with heels so I don't look too over dressed for school.

Sometimes, I have to draw the line. Here is a MK with a look I love but could never pull off. Are you more of a MK or an Ashley?


A said...

I like Ashley's style better, its classier

Fashion Fixes Nudity said...

I value both of them for different reasons. MK is more of an inspiration. Ashley is someone that I dress like already.

Anonymous said...

Although i think their both fantastic, I think Ashley is totally underrated by the media. It's probarbly because her outfit's aren't as bold, but she's been taking risks lately which is good, and yes i like her style better :)